Initial Sports Massage
The first session is likely to be longer as it’ll begin with a consultation to get a full history of the horse’s activities, behaviour, any injuries and past treatments. Then I’ll assess your horse trotting-up / on the lunge or being ridden followed by some stretches. If appropriate I’ll carry out a tack check and make suggestions on any exercises and routines tailored to your horse’s needs.
– Session From £50*
Follow Up Sessions
Subsequent sessions are usually shorter, although, I may still want to see your horse trot up. We’ll review the exercises, assess progress from the first session and make any changes as appropriate to aid further progression.
– Session From £45*
Pre/Post Event Massages
Pre and post event massage can help with warm up and aids a quicker recovery for your competition horse, ensuring they remain in top condition and prolonging their athletic career.
Every client matters and I love to hear how you’re getting along; I offer ongoing support after your visit, so please do keep in touch!
– Price depending on location
*Please ask for travel costs
How Can a Sports Massage Benefit Your Horse?
Sports massage can benefit any horse, not just those working at competition level to by increasing their movement and flexibility which helps to improve their general recovery and to prevent injury.
Benefits include:
• Increases circulation and lymphatic drainage to reduce swelling and improve healing time
• Improves body balance
• Improves muscle tone and function
• Alleviates muscle tightness, spasms and soreness
• Produces endorphins, the bodies natural pain killer
• Can improve performance and prolong your horses athletic career
Sports Massage is known to relieve the following signs of discomfort also:
• “Naughtiness” when ridden eg. bucking/rearing/napping
• Refusing/Knocking Jumps
• Change in normal behaviour
• Difficulty picking up the correct canter lead
• Stiffness/Abnormal Gait
• Reluctance to engage the hind end
• Grumpy when tacked up
• Loss of performance
• Loss of muscle tone
Tack Fitting
I can check your tack fit, assess the horse on the ground or when ridden and assist in putting together an exercise routine as part of your visit to help relieve any problems and prevent future injury.
The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966
I work within The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and therefore cannot diagnose an illness or injury and reserves the right to refuse to treat a horse who requires urgent veterinary attention.
Call today 07779 008417 with your horsey requirements or email me through the contact form below.
Quotes depend on time and services required.